
Some useful flags that you can use along side, when your are running your application (project) along side with thunder.py file are as follows:

Flags associated with `create_app` positional argument:

Use -a or –app if you are about to create app in your project, that will capture the app name:

python thunder.py create_app -a blog

# or

python thunder.py create_app --app blog

Flags associated with `boot` positional argument:

Use -p or –port if you want to give your desire port number instead of the default one which is 5000 It is use only if you are about to bring up the server, after the positional argument of boot:

python thunder.py boot -p 7000

# or

python thunder.py boot --port 7000

Use -H or –host if you are to give a different host, in the case of deployment. Also, it is use if you are about to bring up the server, after the positional argument of boot:

python thunder.py boot -H

# or

python thunder.py boot --host

Use -d or –debug if you want your app in debug mode. That mean ifyou make change, you need not to shutdown the server and reload it again, it will do that automatically once you set it to True Also, it is use if you are about to bring up the server, after the positional argument of boot:

python thunder.py boot -d True

# or

python thunder.py boot --debug True

Flags associated with `create_user` positional argument:

Use -u or –username and then the username beside it, if you do not specify it, you will see a prompt saying Enter username::

python thunder.py create_user -u network-engineer

# or

python thunder.py create_user --username network-engineer

Use -e or –email and then the email beside it, if you do not specify it, you will see a prompt saying Enter email::

python thunder.py create_user -e network-engineer@datacenter.com

# or

python thunder.py create_user --email network-engineer@datacenter.com

Use -p or –password and then the password beside it, if you do not specify it, you will see a prompt saying Enter password::

python thunder.py create_user -p my-secret-pass

# or

python thunder.py create_user --password my-secret-pass